The Proof of Abductive Hypothesis...
“The completest proof of a hypothesis is when that which has been hypothetically assumed to exist as a means of accounting for certain phenomena is afterwards actually observed to exist or is proved by descriptive testimony(logic) to have existed.” William Minto
Hi Tim… I think I have finally brought my inner logical thoughts into somewhat of a balance with my external logical thoughts, and believe me, that’s been one hell-of-a job. I don’t know as I could really tell you who is more responsible for this result, but possibly, along with much of your support and help, a logician-scientist who happened to die young, back in the 1890’s, by the name of William Minto. He’s most the one I’d have to credit with making the history of logic so clear, and in fully relating the inner logical mechanics to the external logical mechanics, the best of anyone I’ve ever read__at least for me to understand. He’s not only clear, but also an almost perfect prose writer of highly technical ideas__and that's truly, quite a feat__Tarski is the only other scientist/mathematician/logician of such scientific prose clarity, as far as I've read. Not only has he offered the simplest proof of inductive/abductive/deductive hypothesis, but also the most grounded links between inner logical proofs to external experimental data and proofs, I’ve ever come across__It’s just his ideas are so fundamental, he’s the only logician-scientist I’d class in league with Charles Sanders Peirce__Which I put far above Einstein, as well I do Kepler…
Anyway, it comes down to the what I may call the ‘super-concept’ being no more than a ‘self-eclectic unity’, by logical necessity__and by this I simply mean that all ‘polyadic(multiple) inference’ reduces to mental unity, by the necessity of the most fundamental ‘laws of thought’, which further corresponds with the fundamental Universe’s necessity of ‘condensations to unity’, as exists in all structured forms of matter, as per our past discussions. I’d say the 1st induction necessity of any and all inference inductions, is by logical necessity, an ‘induction/s to unity’, as a prerequisite of Nature’s natural fundamental wave actions__amounting to this ‘absolute necessity of unity’ being not only a function of our inner inference motion mechanics, but the greater Universe’s external mechanics of motion, as well…
Let me put it this way, if I may without sounding too bold; Imo this is the ‘#1 Universal Law of Inference & Motion to Unity and All Inference & Universal Motion Mechanics Tends to A Combinatoric Unity__Either Mental or Physical…’ Now, that may seem rather obvious, but the proof of such is not as simple as it may first seem, and this is why Tim, I’ve always stood my ground about the fact that; “If determinism were 100% of the truth, my 30+ year search for inductive logic’s proof would have ended long ago, as this would be a simple matter of known consecutive/sequential causes and effects’__however, the extended sciences show and knows this not to be the case__in full… It’s far more complex to connect the inner logical ‘laws of thought’ with the external ‘physical laws’, than one may first think__and herein lies that great epistemic dilemma, which much of my recent studies may have more recently solved…
Put bluntly; “Internal motion forces correspond to external motion forces, by way of our inference mechanics to science’s quantum Universal mechanics__Mass and gravity are simply the unity mechanics of linear and angular velocity, as there are no other total motions”(this in no way excludes Dave’s motion formulas_Va=Vu+Vr__and wave mechanics_but includes his, as well as all your excellent motion diagrams and gravity ideas). These implied and known fundamental quantum field forces, balance all structured matter forces, simply by way of Kepler’s fundamental 1st motion law__his easily implied angular momentum of gravity, derived from his initial work. As far as I can see, mass and gravity are equal to the total mechanics of the linear and angular velocities involved__and only needs further and clear proof, by way of deriving from the total implied unity hypothesis. I’m deriving this idea from the known existing Universal entropy, being ½ of the total Universal motion, to a necessary least action unity, and return inverse hydrodynamic cycle to the other ½ of the total Universal motion to re-condensed and structured unity(as per Hawking and Penrose’s newest figures)__which if followed totally through all the possible mathematical cause and effects of presently known radiation facts, hypothesis, and theory mechanics, derives such Universal balance of all forces, to be none other than the three main forces’ effects of producing the fundamental gravity__which equates to an absolute repelling set of the three fundamental forces__not an attractive force, at all. It’s easier to see this fundamental mechanics through the simple analogy of thought’s hypothesized physical mass, acting as an electric current, multiplying mass to energy, by way of thought to muscular energy activity__though this certainly doesn’t explain the mechanics of the whole Universe’s motions, involved__but it does force us to look internally for such scientific answers of these very fundamental forces__where least actions produce greater actions, i.e., thoughts initiating the muscle-power to build the very technological world we live in__and that’s a lotta’ muscle-power from mere noumenal thought__This correspondence mechanics must be thoroughly investigated__as ‘The Laws of Thought’ correspond isomorphically with ‘The Laws of Physics’__and physics can be described by no other scientific method, than the fundamental “Laws of Thought and Logic…”
Logic Is The Science of Sciences…
We know, ‘Logic is concerned with inferences, not intuitive truths’ as stated by J.S. Mill__and that logic is Universally identical to(within) all humans, and without concepts; logic, math and science are impossible, since ‘formal logic’ and the ‘laws of exactitude’ are absolutely necessary__for such purposes of accurate measurements. We also know successful explanations are inferences from the facts, and further that methods of observation and methods of explanation are mental ideas of induction vs./and/or material objects of induction, at the same and different times__so, we must be aware of these two departments of logic, by way of deduction and induction, or ‘formal inference’ and ‘material inference’, or syllogistic logic and scientific logic, or pseudo-idealism/nominalism and realism__as just some of the classifications. Still, a concept must always be a quantity, and the #1 primary law of logic does require eternity as absolutely necessary, or our ground logic is forced into unwanted circular reasonings, contradictions and/or infinite regresses, etc. It’s just an odd circumstance that a chronologically required eternity/infinity would be required to eliminate infinite regresses and circular reasoning in our fundamental logic, but it’s certainly the case, when fully thought out according to the six most fundamenatal ‘laws of thought and/or logic…’
We should infer nothing without a true physical ground or sound reason(also referred to as ‘Truth-Maker Logic’), which is no more than Leibniz’s seventh ‘sufficiency law’ of the other six fundamental laws of thought and/or logic__which gave our modern scientific logics solid ground, in the real physical World and Universe. Any pure logic should be understood to be only the ‘Science of logic’ fully derived from the natural laws of thought as simply, yet fundamentally, thought. Further, every true science must obey these ‘laws of thought and logic’, to be classed as a hard science__where such logic is necessitated to be the ‘formal instrument’ of the mind. Logic is simply ‘the science of the laws of thought as thought’, and also the science of the necessary ‘forms of thought’__(psychological and/or/vs. logical). The universal necessitation of logic is governed by the universal law of logic, sometimes stated as;__’It absolutely must exist’, as our logic is the most fundamental science of ‘the formal laws of thought…’
And finally; The ‘object-matter’ of logic, is what makes logic objective…
“There exists no mind or machine, sufficiently powerful, to process finity and infinity, simultaneously…” me
Tim, some of the above is just strung together ideas, to possibly open this area of conversation to the possibilities of actually linking all the mental, physical and Universal facts to measurements and possibly processable with an algorithm, similar to this one I already offered: The Universal Isomorphic Algorithm__UIA = ∑∫∏v -> IC:M Iff / ≡ ∑’s •…(The universal isomorphic algorithm equals the sum of the integral product variables, implying the isomorphic center of mass, if and only if divided identical to the sum’s center…)
This post is far from perfect Tim, but I think it offers the core to what I’ve been driving at; about grounding our ideas in sound measurement, math and sound scientific logic…
See if you can make heads or tails of deriving the most fundamental motions of the Universe from such logical and mathematical necessities of all and any motions possible, being forced to the unities I’ve mentioned, by the very fundamental mechanics of a self-perpetuated Universe…
I know what it means to me, but I don’t know if I can explain it very well…
(going through my older posts and thought I'd re-enter this one...)
Why Science Is Too Narrow-Minded To Understand Itself…
The absolutely necessary volume of a finite Universal decay model, Scientifically gives one the necessary initial volume of the fundamental Universe__Absolutely required to construct the actual structured mass Universe, from its absolutely necessary em-field of FS__and only it does__So that no ‘Naked Ghosts’ are needed… All the present models of the Universe require ‘Naked Ghosts’ to construct their false models of the otherwise real Universe… The real Universe requires the fundamental state volume of a true necessary state Universe__to be many times the volume of the present CMBR volume__therefore requiring the real initial em-mass-field to be far larger than the present theorized/measured CMBR volume… This can all be figured with simple 1st order arithmetic__and this simple 1st order arithmetic proves all the present ‘Pseudo-Naked Ghost Models’ impossible of mathematical, structural, physical and or logical reality…
How can I make it any simpler…? The present CMBR volume’s em-mass-field is far too short of containing enough absolute fundamental (FS) substance to construct the volumes of the known structured mass, of galaxies, planets, black-holes and star systems(pre big bang necessity mechanics)__the present structured Universe contains__and is scientifically known to contain… Only a far, far, far larger CMBR volume of FS satisfies the logic of Universal construction__from unstructured em-mass-field substance, to the absolutely known and required structured matter__science presently measures…
Therefore; Science will never make sense of itself__until it realizes the true mathematical volume size, truly required to construct the present and known Universe’s mass__absolutely requires a larger initial volume field of this fundamental substance than it’s presently assumed/figured__to avoid all the ‘Naked Ghosts’ in all present forms of physical Universal models__Except a sensibly figured and true decay model’s absolutely required massive volume numbers__Which it only, can account for the necessary initial em-mass field’s fundamental substance__to successfully construct our real structured Universe__No ‘Naked Boogie-Men’ needed…
Until science extends its scope of understanding beyond the narrow-mindedness of present CMBR volume__It’s a walking blind intellectual cripple of its own narrow-mindedness…!!!
Welcome to a new rational infinity…