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Monday, May 30, 2011

Relativistic Effects Upon Information...continued

“Hi Tim, just thought I'd write this short compliment first, before I answer to the meat of your post. You've given an excellent assessment of the inner mechanics of 'abduction' workings. I really liked how you posed it as 'a mental pool of information' we actually use to draw initial pre-conclusions, in our thinking processes, from. Anyway, glad to see your mind works at this depth of processing informations most as similar as mine, as it's exactly what's needed to understand the depths of our multi-functioning states of our existing Universe, as pertains to the most fundamental motions, and states of possibilities and necessities, at the limits of knowledge plausibilities and probabilities...

I'll get to all this a bit later Tim, as I've gotta' think your entire post through, to respond seriously enough to you, to take our ideas further into where I think they should maybe go next__to peer deep into Ol' Father Time and Mother Motion...

Anyway, just had to comment on your 'explication' of self-abduction, as it was so good to hear you describe it so simply, yet profound in its implications to model buildings' ease...


The logical reasoning of absolute truth is much like a giant jigsaw puzzle with each piece bound by it’s place within the puzzle by way of its shape and color contributing to the whole. Within our minds, many pieces have been fit together by way of the scientific methodology, philosophical truths, etc, to form increasingly larger portions of the puzzle, with many conjoined segments which display faint glimpses of portions of the overall image lying before us now whose edges and color won’t further allow them to be joined due to the missing segments and often only single pieces by which they would otherwise be bound to the whole. Within this whole of truth, we struggle to keep the overall state of the puzzle within our minds with pieces and segments lying here and there as we inductively and deductively further place pieces together which seem to fit, and sometimes take portions which have been fitted together apart to study what it is that make them fit together and determines their place within the whole. It is the information we gather from such efforts which often directs our search for specific pieces as we dig through the pile of disconnected pieces to find certain shapes and colors which we are led to search for due to our projection of what must be by way of what we know is. Some may even observe enough about the fractal pieces and portions to look ahead as far as to try and witness the total image of the whole with all the seams running throughout by which it is bound whereby finding further inductive guidance from abductive imagery. Yet, often times the projected imagery which seems so true to us finds itself as merely a misguided vision of the truth whereby fallacy too finds its place within the whole as having foundations in the misalignment and interpretation of portions of truth. It is often after the further piecing together of the whole that we find hints at an image which is not what we have long held too, at which point we re-evaluate the collective state of things and make further abductions whereby we might have the guidance needed to pluck a single piece from within a mass of others, merely by observing a shade change of color within a certain corner or the placement and shape of the curves which define its ultimate position. Only when all of the pieces are in place will the final image be definitely revealed, because this puzzle didn't come with a box with the image already on it...lol.

As a religious person would tell us, “there’s nothing new under the sun”. I’m uncertain that the mind is capable of producing even an abstract concept or thought which isn’t founded somewhere in reality. I don’t see the mind as an aspect of creation, but rather mere re-arrangement. Even the most abstract concept which holds no truth in reality is still a fractal assembly of pieces and segments which are forced together that don’t actually belong. Truth to me is what physically is within the absolute universe, while increasing degrees of fallacy are merely built upon increasingly more unrelated fractal pieces of truth. The uniqueness of the mind is its ability to reach across vast distances of space and time and conjoin aspects of truth which would have otherwise had no means of contact due to their absolute place in the whole otherwise establishing eternal separation.

“Relativistic Effects Upon Information III…

All frequencies are re-modulated when received by the receiver, or we wouldn’t see the same picture sent, as intended, and all atomic time clock signals are re-modulated according to the mathematics of relative distances and motions, within the receiving clocks, radios, tv’s, computers or whatever instrument is being used to receive the signals. Without re-modulation corrections, we'd receive the altered signals, as you’ve described them__but our Universe and Nature self-modulates its own fundamental signals__and herein, imo, lies a very important aspect of QM differences of mans manipulations of this system, which is not the same as mans to Universe and Nature.(as presently interpreted and understood, anyway) I just realized this in answering you, Tim__and this may be very important to further understanding the deeper aspects of QM’s deeper/est frequencies’ modulation mechanics, compared to our own…??? I have questions myself in this area, now that your query has brought it up__rattled my brain…

I’m thinking about it__but, I’ll continue to go through your post first…

Nope, this can’t wait... I think this is huge Tim. What your probings about frequency modulations are showing me is, A Giant Discovery In Science__I Think__Think__If the brain modulates the same image on Earth, identical to our vision and perception__or perception anyway__as it does in space, where the velocities of light in substance densities are so different, and we know it absolutely does function the same to our perception, i.e., we see the same exact images of objects in both places, and receive the same, or near same sounds and images over em-frequency transmissions__Then how is this possible, without outside of our brain’s physical em-field Influences…? It’s not…! And, this is what’s so huge about discussing this modulation subject, in different velocity reference frames. Science has for the last 100+ years_scientifically_demanded “nothing outside the brain, affects the brain and/or is effected by the brain”__but, how else does the brain modulate__identically__in the two drastically different reference frames and em-velocities of dense Earth’s atmosphere and space’s non-dense vacuum, where we absolutely know light travels at a minimum of 1/4 to ½ c differences__What’s modulating the transferences of em-frequency signals of the objects seen in both separate reference frames__except the external em-field’s interactions, upon the internal em-fields…? Tim, this is the rational, empirical and experimental evidences and proofs we need to prove the aether exists__It’s absolute modal necessity, mental necessity and physical necessity… Not to mention all its massive other implications of pure fundamental em-field mechanics possibilities and necessities...

The brain’s internal continuum/intuitive field__Is being absolutely physically modulated by the external vacuum’s continuum/physical em-aether-field__and necessarily physically so__Field-Modulation of Physical Object’s Images Upon The Mechanical Processes of The Brain/Mind__By Way of Total EM-Field Modulations' Physical Frequency-Wave-Particle Interactions… Unless you have something to prove I'm full of bat-cakes this morning…

I’ll get back to you later, on the rest of your post, as this new idea is over-consuming my thoughts right now. Let me know if I’m seducing my own thinking…


It is the very dichotomy of motion states set against each other which we are exploring here as with massive structured systems requiring a degree of angular motion whereby substance is locally bound vs. the linear nature of the unstructured EM field itself with its mass stretched thinly across vast distances, which establish reality as we know it. Both contrasting states, with one bounding the other at the largest macro scale of space containing vast quantities of matter, with a recursive inward aspect of structured matter possibly further confining unstructured volumes of FS which internally resonate at the more micro scales, establish harmonic aspects of the local expression of frequency vs. the non-local expression of frequency. Similar to how most older musical devices work e.g. tape recorder, record player, cd, etc, there’s the linear information stored upon the data medium which passes over the reading portion of the instrument as with a tape head, record player needle or whatever. The rate at which this contact is made is obviously important in how the encoded information is re-modulated back to the audio or video frequencies whereby effecting the quality of the reconstruction from the original.

When we encode information upon the writable medium of the EM field by way of modulating lower frequency interactions e.g. audio, video, etc, up to increasingly higher frequency states to be broadcast that particular space and time position is not rewritable as one broadcast, the signal travels spherically outward whereby a distant antenna receives the sequenced encoded data as the EM waves pass around it. It is the internal resonance of the receiver which makes it sensitive to the written EM medium. This is accomplished by aspects of the oscillator circuitry which also played a part in the frequency of the transmission. Tuning a radio is merely matching frequencies of the transmitted signal vs. the receiver. With EM waves, the rate at which the written medium passes the receiver is constant c within the spatial vacuum (but varies within other medium densities). Thus, we can’t change the sequencing of the encoded EM wave, but we can change how we experience it by way of the relative motions of the receiver. We can hypothetically envision a portion of an EM wave as being at rest (for the sake of ease of understanding due to only having to deal with one frame of motion). Now this stretch of unstructured EM medium has encoded frequency modulated data written in only one direction across it which is representative of a receiver traveling across it (like the record or tape player head) in the direction of reading the sequenced information in the order it was produced at c velocity. So far, this has taken no effort of the motions of the receiver being as the initial motion is an aspect of the medium traveling at c. Now, lets imagine a simple receiver as merely being a comparative frequency analysis of the EM wave with no further demodulation aspects. We could have a piezoelectric quartz crystal oscillator which is found in many watches and other electronic devices and encompasses aspects of the mechanical resonate frequency of solids per atomic motions and such,. We might have a capacitor and inductor wired in a circuit to make an electronic oscillator which has aspects of the electrostatic field discharge of the capacitor charging the magnetic field of the inductor which recursively discharges to re-charge the capacitor, etc, etc, which has electromagnetic aspects within its oscillation. We might also have an electronic amplifier arranged within a feedback loop, whereby the noise of its output is run back through a filter and looped back to the input whereby it is re-amplified to eventually stabilize as a sine wave with a single frequency. Now, for all of these aspects to be in ‘tune’ the various types of oscillators passing over the EM medium must stay at the same frequency as the EM medium itself, therefore if we further accelerate the oscillators above c in its direction of travel, (which is not to be mistaken with faster than light velocity as due to the separation of reference frames the oscillator has just now began moving because I’ve hypothesized the medium as being at rest) for there to be no variation in any of the receivers decoding of the information within the EM medium, every aspect which governs the many forms of oscillation and frequency within the oscillators whether electromagnetic, atomic, acoustic, or whatever, along with the Lorentz contraction aspects and so on which apply to them and are subject to sensitivity due to velocity must all be uniform transformations else various types of oscillators will drift differently in frequency. Reverse the direction of the oscillators propagation relative to the EM medium and instead of adding to c, any increased motion of the oscillator in that direction is subtracted from c, whereby we would have the same frequency effects of the oscillator transformations due to its motions, but a lowered Doppler shift of the EM medium frequencies rather than the increased frequency Doppler shift from before. As also discussed, a gravitational field is merely an increased density field which also factors into the frequency and wavelength aspects being considered with its ability to alter such.

On a side note, Nikola Tesla was always an interesting read to me as one of my favorite inventors as he once capitalized upon the resonant frequency of atoms and molecules to build his “Earthquake Machine” which was said to have been a prototype of only a few inches which shook his entire New York lab. I’m uncertain of the truth to such magnitude, but I do recall certain bridges being shaken to pieces due to amplifications of their resonant frequencies and such, if I remember correctly. Point being, that frequency and wavelength make up the fabric of our world both within structured and unstructured matter. Structured matter itself can actually be better understood as information within the unstructured EM field, whereby Lorentz transformations and such are a product of the c conservation mechanics due to motion. There’s the localized structured information of composite systems along with the unstructured encoded information within the EM field as a result of the presence of the structured composite systems. Meaning is reference frame dependent as modulations and demodulations occur as a result of the system being set against itself whereby such meaning can easily be lost due to the angular sequencing of the structural motions themselves along with the linear sequencing of the unstructured medium being dependent upon the relative motions of reference frames moving within and amongst other reference frames.

“Tim, have you at this point considered the fundamental possibility of a many independent points of motion occurences pushing the entire mechanics of the Universe__thus having no mathematical algorithms possible to describe, yet still having the possibility of indeterminacy, randomness and uncertainty multi-position competing toward the Uniformiety of the Universe, we now witness…? If you notice, there’s really no physicists who back quantum determinism, at this absolute fundamental level of motion, as per Wiki’s Link… http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_indeterminacy I really think you should give this some thought, to bring this part of your algorithmic possibilities processes in line with what we can know__as in my opinion, the fundamental motion mechanics would absolutely necessitate a many points, sets of individual algorithms, due to the massive distances which would necessarily exist at state change decay or big/small bangs points… I’m only asking you to look at this a bit deeper, to bring it in line with the mathematical necessities, almost all theorists think has to be the case in this area, especially the major majority of mathematical, theoretical physicists involved…”

The many independent points of motion you are referring to here is in line with my spacetime quantization model I was discussing back at TQ. I still prefer the visualization aspect of motion being embedded within localized domains with all more macro motions being mere transferences, but when I see that my ideas are causing more confusion than unity I generally let them rest until our thoughts get aligned to the point that they can be better expressed with greater communication.

“Let me just throw a point in here. The truth may still be the triadic mechanics of particle and field interactions, not just the dyadic actions, you are assuming. Then it would be an unbalanced many points system, that gets balanced by the greater random competitions, which create our witnessed general uniformiety. This wouldn’t really be algorithmitzable, due to having to be processed by Statistical Mechanics of from unknowns to knowns first, before we even arrive at the possibilities of using algorithms on Statistical Probabilities of randomnized knowns to fixed knowns, yet still exhibiting chances of changes, to allow for evolution to be true, since we know it scientifically is, by the evidence. You see, evolution requires a small amount of random mutation/randomness/uncertainty to function, and algorithms can only be used for certain fixed events, within the greater Universal combinatoriality and Nature’s evolution always requiring a certain amount of randomness and uncertainty__which fixed algorithms don’t/can’t account for, because our math just won’t go there, due to the many body problem, or the inaccuracies that multiply, at the infinitesimal and near infinite scales… We are limited to the math that functions on physical systems, unless we invent new maths to process beyong our present capacities. This is why I’ve always tried to show you, we are limited to a certain degree of free-will, as this can be represented mathematically in the same processes, even if the greater combinatorial processes of the Universe may be absolute cause and effect, not all can ever be… Many independent systems are not completely causal, they are incidental to the ground state facts of indeterminacy, just as is Einstein’s background independence math, within his RM… I don’t even know where QM’ers get the idea of quantum determinism__which implies background dependence, as this is counter to all the facts I’ve studied about QM maths, theories and systems, or that is even listed on Wiki and other reference encyclopedias… Tim, could you please explain to me how do you get determinism out of fundamental quantum indeterminacy…?”

We must differentiate between local and non-local determinacy as with the state of all points being causal to the point of the future outcome of the entire whole being a product of every point and time of the present, or the mere determinacy of the ability for any local point in the universe being able to replicate the same laws as any other distant point due to homogenous and isotropic mechanics embedded within the fabric of the FS spacetime matrix itself. The conservation mechanics along with our further inference of motion spectrum mechanics requires a degree of determinacy to replicate and produce the laws which we study and exploit per science. Randomness at this stage represents chaos to me to the point that a physical law of any kind wouldn’t exist as distances and time would easily change the laws of physics as we know them. I’ve admitted to the unknowable nature of the determinism of the entire system as randomness within quantum motions will forever be present from our reference frame, so the point is unarguable. Is there randomness to the universe? We’ll never know, but I do know that I can expect the quantum mechanics to always replicate themselves to produce near exact outcomes both structurally and unstructurally, which is a high degree of determinism within the fabric of motion itself.

“Well, you are quite correct that there’s not much information on it, but all really is grounded to the c facts of weights and measurements, as it has been for over a century or so now, and our information is kept at the U.S. Dept. of Weights and Measures. The actual absolute scale measurement and weight objects actually exist, as they existed first in European and English Gov. Depts. Also all the CODATA standards of science and physics exists there, which is all based off of these Atomic Clock time and c measurement standards, and improved upon all the time, by using more accurate element frequencies and methods to extend these accuracies, as will as new x-ray efforts to use the galaxy and other Universal star points to even further extend the current accuracies, and then list these new attempts in the CODATA. I’ve listed these facts before on ‘East Meets West’ and elsewhere. These accuracies already exceed our computers abilities to even do the math, at complex levels without creating more inaccuracies in the computer math, than exists in the actual physical measurements, themselves… The fundamental limit is always the mathematics, not our fundamental measurement problems, and I here mean the complex math process intergrations being applied to the physical problems, where they be such hyper-fine structures, physicists are now trying to work out__the math inaccuracies within computer programs overwhelm the results accuracies. This stuff is all mentioned at these addresses that are in an older post, that didn’t get posted until today, as it was in draft mode edit; here they are:”

It’s not so much the accuracy through time which I’m referring to Lloyd. It’s the relativistic accuracy due to acceleration as we currently have no absolute clock which doesn’t dilate or no absolute ruler which doesn’t contract due to acceleration or gravitational influence. Science has to make the mathematical corrections per Relativity itself as with the GPS system due to the inability for the clock to adjust itself per its increase and sustained velocity. There seems to be no common thread woven throughout all reference frames whereby allowing an absolute frequency and distance reference which would allow a self fluctuating invariant ruler and clock per velocity and gravitational effects, which is why I am suggesting a comparative analysis of two or more synchronized reference frequencies to perhaps accomplish such similar to how they do down the road with measuring the phase shift of the reflected laser in the videos you provided. Perhaps to determine where, when and to what extent we are relative to all else within the absolute realm, we must perhaps use our demodulation abilities in relation to the EM medium and learn to establish the variances within it due to our motions which ultimately establish the invariance of absolute space and time. Einstein had it backwards, thus we must work backwards from him to establish truth. What aspect of the EM field is motion sensitive whereby its permeating nature would allow such to be exploited as an absolute reference frame to all other slower moving reference frames? We might find that the velocity of such might always produce a value of c due to our instruments, but the frequency aspect is known to shift, thus any frequency related aspects are exploitable IMHO.

As to the clocks nearing c, it’s only hypothetical as we haven’t worked out the exact acceleration decay mechanics whereby I can acknowledge the upper acceleration limits of a clock. Somewhere between the two extreme ends of the linear velocity spectrum of the most massive black hole and EM radiation, all structured systems are somewhere between near linear motionless and c. Just as with the concepts being discussed, their function and physical characteristics are derived by where they fall along this scale, whereby changing their position along this scale, or changing the reception rate of any encoded information about them due to a change in position of a receiver along this scale, totally changes the meaning of what one thing is. I also like the direction you’re headed with your other thoughts as it goes back to my interpretation of an ultimate proof being the link between mechanics and thought, whereby we might some day be able to imply that rather than, ‘I think therefore I am’……… ‘I think therefore it must be so’

Will edit all this later….in a time crunch.

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