Logic History Overview...

Logic History Overview...
Quantification Logic...

Friday, April 22, 2011

Hi Lloyd,

Just thought I'd do a gif of the ruler/clock analogy. Here we can visualize that unlike gravity, whereby all bodies fall at the same velocity despite their mass, our relationship to light is that it is the frame of reference whereby all bodies actually fall relative to their mass. This seems to cause much problem when attempting to measure the rate at which the light is falling whereby confusing absolute distance and time. If you'll notice, the first pause stops at an absolute distance, whereby the moving clock is showing only an eighth of the time having elapsed to arrive at that position, but if we go by the same temporal interval as with the last pause, we have overshot the distance by eight times. It seems to be more natural to us to consider things as falling in relation to each other, so rather than making the animation horizontal, I decided to make it vertical thus hopefully allowing a better more natural mental relationship to the information we are attempting to extract. More in a bit.

Tim Lester


  1. Tim, what town you live in, anyway...?

  2. Hi Lloyd,

    I live in a very small town near Natchitoches called Goldonna. I've been trying to get the animation to upload and learn the interface here. I think I got it so take another look at the animation cause I think it was just an image before. I've got a lot of other stuff to post, but will have to work it up for a bit.



  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I got the account working from the invite Lloyd. You should be able to just use your name with your own account now I think rather than having both. I'm working on some more material so should be able to post more in a bit.

  5. Oh yea...also notice in this animation that both reference frames are receiving the same value for the speed of light.


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