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Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Only True Logical Scientific Methodology...

“Modal Abduction Is Mind-Independent Logic__i.e., Scientific…”

Hi Tim… I don’t blame you for taking breaks from this level of deep concentrations, as I often do also, but more for shorter times, as I am probably more used to dealing with such depths__since it’s been my major interest for the last 40+ years. Just over the last three weeks, I’ve probably read 20 books worth of material, including some 12 books. Of course, my investigations are always more directed toward logical and mathematical proofs and methods of__but I look in every crany of knowledge investigations possible, for my answers. Most recently, I’ve been again researching the most up-to-date pdf’s on Peirce’s ‘abduction’__since that was his scientific method of ‘scientific hypothesis’__and I find more problems with scientists and the academic community, in not fully understanding the deep logical mechanics of how we actually form hypothesis__even if it be applied to how you may be forming your’s also, at this time. Anyway, I’ve found thousands of pdf’s from all over the nations of the world__with logicians and scientists everywhere__trying to figure out and extend Peirce’s ideas of ‘abduction’ as applied to scientific understanding, on most every level nameable__as it’s actually the most fundamental level of thinking. The trouble is Tim, such ‘abductive methodologies’ actually show where absolute determinism would be impossible__and simply by way of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd laws of thermodynamics, or really fundamental motion, as the same…

Let me give a short explication__Due to the fact that motion is fundamentally known to produce orbs(suns, black-holes, planets, galaxies and other rocks, etc.) it is deterministically necessary to also be non-deterministic__to produce all three states of say, ‘simple gas motions’, i.e., thermodynamic mechanics of producing all the orbs one sees when looking up at the night sky__and mainly all due to its other side of radiation decay and re-constitution mechanics. If you fully trace out all macro and micro-state mechanics, you’ll find combinatoric mechanics and its sister mechanics__decay state mechanics__actually having to cancel each other’s mechanics__With deduction and induction logics’ mechanics having no internal inference structures to account for just such mechanics__without robbing, or adding to, properties belonging to either induction or deduction__they do not possess, i.e., using a ‘begging the question’ logic, ‘infinite regresses’ or an ‘overly-circular reasoning’ not allowed by the very reasoning and logic being used__without violating non-contradiction, or some of the other laws of logic. Just think it out at the base level__How does any logic system, based mainly on deduction and determinism, and assisted by weak induction__apply to the total necessary mechanics, to accomplish the job__without violating the very fundamental laws of thermodynamcis and logic…? If you hold these concepts in your mind, and try to figure all necessary mechanics of the known Universal mechanics of the existing Universe__you’ll never be able to complete the logic__unless you allow randomness, chaos, non-determinism or ‘abduction’ to assist your thinking. ‘Abduction’ here meaning no more than the necessary non-determinacy of ‘Uncertainty’ to be the 3rd leg of your logic__which ‘Statistical Mechanics’ can work into the Universe’s necessary logic and science… (A note here:__curves have no fundamental grounding for particle-wave motions__fundamental motion is absolutely relative to itself, as uncertain curved paths, only according to proximity, which no math or logic can fundamentally predict__This continues all the way through the geo-Universe’s combinatoric condensations of FS, into all other such orbs__The Universe is thus, fundamentally non-deterministic… And, as to my assessment of this fundamental relativistic motion fact, it’s still an absolute Universal fact… The Universe, unto itself, may be absolutely determined to relativistically turn absolute, by this very relativistic fundamental motion, but we have no understanding of such fundamental actions, other than pure conjecture, as we see the Universe as a highly ordered state__but, what definition and meaning could we mere humans put to the greater Universe…? Yes, we may be able to derive fundamental motion’s mechanics, but I don’t think we can ever derive the Universe’s most fundamental state meanings and definitions__It would be like asking__”What’s a photon made of…?” I think you may be able to see the meaning and measurement problems, here__No-one has an answer to curved space, because it’s a relative truth, and relative truths have no answers(physics may think it has answers here, but it only has static answers, and static don’t apply to our Universe’s real states)__All definitions of relative truths of motion, are relative to other curved motions(when meaning is taken to the absolute), according to Dirac’s exclusionary principle__some particles avoid each other by relative curving, creating all the more relative positions, at this most fundamental particle-wave level…)

Tim, imo, it’s not a point of not measuring the fabric of the Universe accurately enough__It’s the problem of not realizing, just about all present science is using a false methodology of measure and interpretation logics, to attempt measuring the Universe__With the wrong tools… Without the right tool of ‘abduction’ being used, the Universe is, imo, interpretably and measurably impossible of accomplishing__Yet, for me to explain ‘abduction’ to you, when you are most likely not interested in it__would be senseless… Anyway, ‘abduction’ in short, is ‘the most powerful scientific methodology’ ever devised, as it creates a 3rd logic framework, to hold the total inductive, abductive and deductive hypothesis in place, while one uses a triadic logic on its mechanics, to arrive at a new mechanics of the Universe__which can not be arrived at any other way…

Here’s a link to the shortest and best explanation of abduction I have, but you most likely won’t understand it__as being truly related to your ideas of measurement and logical interpretations of the Universe… LINK… http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

Here’s what it all comes down to imo, Tim… You have to first name your ‘Scientific Goal’, then build your ‘Scientific Method’, then do the ‘Scientific Actions’ to achieve the initial ‘Scientific Goal’, first asserted. If you don’t ‘First Assert’ the ‘Scientific Goal’, you can’t prove the ‘Science…’ And to me, it’s just that simple__and everybody’s just fumbling around, instead of looking for simple ‘Abduction’, which is this very method__The 3rd 3-D State of Triadic Logic…

Think about it Tim, and see if you can hold all the necessary states of logic, laws and science/physics, in and through your use of dyadic deterministic logic__I don’t think so… I think the laws of logic have gotta’ be studied much deeper by everybody, before science makes further advances… I don’t even think it’s any longer possible for those scientists using the older dyadic logic(deductive/inductive) and those scientists using the newer triadic logic(induction/abduction/deduction) to even communicate__unless all scientists learn and accept the newer ‘Triadic Modal Abductive Logic…’ There’s just far too much space between them, imo…

http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abduktion(hit translate, upper right corner, as this German definition is far better than Wiki's English version...)

Best to ya,

Please realize here Tim, I'm still simply talking about non-deterministic mechanics, mixed with causal mechanics__as to me, they both exist__at both geo- and bio- levels... This is still an absolute mechanics, yet non-deterministic, as to totality__where true and possible 'Fallibility' rules all definitions and meanings__and where definitions and meanings are concerned, tis absolutely impossible to avoid philosophy entering the science interpretations__as we absolutely must communicate in either philosophy or psychology__and I choose philosophical math, logic and science...

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