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Sunday, June 19, 2011

"Something from Nothing" the "Free Will" debate

Are we debating here or arguing? And by the way, this is just as much a philosophical debate as it is scientific so I would suggest you use such words as "perhaps", "assume", etc, a lil more often as neither of us have a monopoly on absolute knowledge. As to the contracted volume, we've discussed these mechanics many times and had few problems as they are crucial to FS mechanics and I didn't state anything about a singularity. I assume that you 'assumed' that's what I was suggesting. You can make the condensed state of the cycle the size of a galaxy, star, atom or whatever as all are small enough to allow all spatial positions to be casually connected with mere temporal phase misalignments. I was actually trying to relate your discussion to something more observable and understandable while keeping the conversation as general as possible to avoid the verbal attacks which usually follow. And yes, a volume must contract to form structural systems Lloyd, but this same process can be taking place in conjunction with the expansion of the universal volume. Forces go both ways as we both know, inward and outward, attraction and repulsion, etc. Black holes exist and thrive while the unstructured spatial densities decrease. Nothing new here. My mistake for thinking I didn't have to be specific and save on a few words or explainations due to the amount of times we've been through all this. 

Btw, I'm not the one promoting a god, deity or religion here as I have yet to find the need for such things. The Universe functions just fine without such until you reach the social sciences were our very own evolved apsepects of survival which kept us and our ancestors alive are at war with our intellect as most seek comfort in a world which otherwise offers none with the exception of the mechanism of imagination. I actually work to menatlly detach from those things which most have given names to and step away from the familiarity which conceals the functions behind those things which we only know by a name. Naming things is the worst enemy of understanding them, because it is a mental shortcut to acknowledgment. We do this with ourselves as a persons name quickly tells us who someone is suggesting but offers nothing else about who or what that person is. People understand what the weather is while few understand how it rains. We are so familiar with concepts and natural processes by name that we often lose value of the actual underlying mechanics thereof. I try to combine the understanding and relationship brought about by associating things by name with often turning that off once the general associations are made to allow the unfamiliar perspective of exploring as though I just woke up in this world to see such things before me. Perhaps true genius is taking advantage of the leverage offered by both knowledge and ignorance simultaneously. Make the intelligent associations made by way of science which guides the thought process, while not allowing the familiarity offered by knowing things by name, thus exploring the predetermined intellectual direction by way of the ignorance which will stimulate the mind to gather further associations of the actual functioning of nature rather than the illusion of everyday life which our minds try to sell us. I hope that makes sense as from a small child, I would often look in the mirror only to momentarily lose my own identity in a sense, whereby I would question to myself of who the reflection in the mirror really was. It's not that I saw myself as a seperate person, but rather I was having an interface of the mind and body working out their relationship whereby I momentarilly lost familiarity with myself in a sense. This would be the most difficult thing to truly explain, but I often do this with words, other people such as family members, concepts, etc. I think it is the very essence of my methodology of thought, as it forces me to evaluate much deeper than just the familiar associations due to naming concepts and people. In short, ignorance is just as powerful as intelligence, if used in unison to achieve understanding. 

We are dealing with a fluid like FS Lloyd, thus all points are connected, even if by distances which disallow the ability to be seemingly causal wihin temporal intervals. The local motions are connected per conservation aspects and the various forms of energy which motion takes. I think we agree on this. Infinite and eternal aspects complicate determinism as with the cycling universe model we used to discuss whereby who can say what aspects follow from an infinite number of cycles and carry over to effect the next cycle. I see no point in arguing with this as uncertainty and randomness are equivalent to determinism even if deterministic mechanics exist in this instance. However, perhaps you can explain to me how free will doesn't seemingly break the conservation laws which we both support as it only acts locally within the highest causal distances. How deeply connected is the FS? You see to me, free will and thought in general is merely an interface of mind, body and environment. Break down the body at death and the brain stops functioning, but nothing is lost as the body decomposes and the consituents which established life no longer support the composite structure which is the living being. Where do the thoughts go though? What constituent aspects went into a composite thought? If thoughts have causal energy constituent components even if in various forms, then this is where I have problems with free will as it seems to suggest an isolated system or function within a universe which otherwise contains none as even electrical systems have thermal interfaces which allow loses of energy per conservation aspects. I just choose not to allow living beings with brains to be isolated entities which break scientific laws. I would rather see them as a highly complex interface unlike any other in nature where various forms of structured substance and energy meet to form the most unique process in the universe which is our thoughts. If all aspects of this process are not lost and the further actions accomplished by thoughts have a grounded physical path through various forms of energy transference, then where's the free will? Sorting through the saturation of information is merely an aspect of a further interface of thoughts and information meeting with other thoughts and information. All it takes is the evolutionary process of passing down genes and such whereby certain aspects are dominant over others. To truly understand thought we must also understand the evolutionary processes which structured it as a passed down system. We're jumping into the middle of the story and trying to explore the role of a key character, when thought processes were honed through millions of years of evolutionary and natural selective processes. Perhaps our dominant file sorting system is an aspect of intelligence itself which seperates us from the rest of the animal kingdom as they obviously aren't genetically engineered to have the dominant guidance to sort through the information saturation whereby they might learn more sophisticated forms of communication, the use of tools, etc. It's as I was speaking of earlier, intelligence guides, while ignorance absorbs further intelligence, whereby further connections are made and understanding is achieved. It's like simultaneously seeing through the eyes of both a child and adult and taking advantage of the benifits offered by both. I see no break in the chain of events whereby the interface of various systems and energies collide to make thoughts which further collide with each other to make connections and intelligence, but I do see many gaps in our understanding of this process whereby free will is assumed, but how 'free' is it if it isn't an isolated process but rather just a convergence of various different processes? If there is true motion/energy conservation here then there is no break of interaction which is how I define such concepts as 'choice' and 'free will' as implying a break in such. Choice in this sense, is merely an ordering of processes and not an original chain of events or 'something from nothing' as such free will concepts seem to support way more then what I'm suggesting. The mind becomes focused on many things whereby it finds dominant thoughts and concepts which divide the BS from the more usefull information pertaining to the guiding parameters. 

As too the knowing future states from present states and positions, it's not that easy as herein lies a deep discussion with a fully deterministic system, which as I've stated, I'm not sure that we're a part of not in the sense of causality but rather interaction thresholds. To truly know any is to know all in such a system. It's an impossibility as it takes the entire system to determine a single position of any one thing along with it's path and future state. Yes, all internal motions are connected, but cannot be prederived due to the computational power of the system being the system itself whereby any internal computational aspect is running on far less power and information than the whole. Reduce all things and concepts to motion related aspects within the FS, and you'll never achieve more computational motion within a region than you will within the whole. It's taken the universe this long to calculate everything we see around us per interactions at the speed of light, we can't do it any more efficently in any less time within any less distance than what the universe currently occupies as we are working at far less scales and speeds, concerning the state of all things, but we can find a means to predict the state of some things and interactions whereby we get into the accuracies and such covered by QM, RM and CM.

PS. To get an idea of what I'm trying to relate, reduce all aspects of energy and structure to FS and motion and consider our private perpetual motion conversations with closed system, engines and such and you'll see what I'm getting at. The brain is a thought engine in a sense and it's components and fuel cannot be a closed system if we are to support 100% energy/motion conservation. Yes, it may alter that which is input to output another form of energy or structure, but it cannot be totally isolated from the system whereby thoughts originate causing chains of events from nothing. If this be the case, then free will is a byproduct of operational aspects. Use the names by which we associate our world to dictate a path of logic and then turn off the familiarity caused by such labels and witness the system operating as a unit both bio and geo in unision through the evolution of both bio and geo states and structures. This is my logical argument with a deity of any sort within the system as such would have the ability to originate chains of events which had no physically grounded path of motion/energy conservation. The same goes for us and our thoughts as free will establishes us as such a deity or isolated system with no physically grounded input/output path.  

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