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Logic History Overview...
Quantification Logic...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Thinking Brains Are Far Wiser Than Black-Holes__Since Black-Holes Dun Gut No Intelligence__Zero...

Glad to see we're leaning back towards the civil side again Lloyd.

Well Tim, you’ll probably have to tell me which way I’m leaning each time, as I usually don’t recognize it until someone tells me. Being from the old school, we’ve all just told each other when we are going too far in one way or another__That’s all…

Now, to answer your question of what my point was, you must keep your mind on the frequency aspects I discussed and perhaps perform a slight childlike disassociation for a moment as it helps me when thinking about this area. I'm of the opinion that much the incompleteness of evolutionary science is due to the acknowledgment of only one side of the equation ie the bio life form. Natural selection makes an attempt to acknowledge environmental aspects as with food supplies, predatorial aspects, etc, but evolution is more in tune to the mutation aspect of genes and such whereby species are born. I imagine these two distinctions of evolution and natural selection as being two opposite flows in a sense, whereby one has the ability to construct while the other merely works with that which is already constructed by way of evolution and seemingly deconstructs in a sense as with causing the extinction of genes, traits, species, etc.

Tim, you probably are not aware of the extensive history of the quite important old thinking information that exists, and can be re-read/re-interpreted as extensive compatibility with modern quantum mechanics’ functions. It’s just that many deep logicians, scientists and psychologists, even some theologians, wrote many tracts that one can easily see proto-quantum mechanical implications in, it’d scare you to realize just how modernly accurate many of these early brilliant minds truly were. These are just some of the ideas I’m talking about and relating to when I mention history’s important contributions to the modern sciences, Tim. Yes, it’s true many had no idea of the full depths of today’s quantum mechanics, but the conceptual thought and inference knowledge can just as easily be re-read as extremely compatible, from then to now. Just look at Pierre de Chardan’s ‘Noosphere’ book about the Earth as a complete living bio-organism, 75+ years ago…? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Teilhard_de_Chardin or look at The ‘I Ching’ from China, 2500 years ago. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Ching To me, it’s quite amazing how accurate so many of our predecessors came to modernism’s scientific views, by their more crude scientific methods… Tim, if you were to go back and just read Brentano(really the founding father of modern psychology), a hundred years ago, you’d find a psychologist far wiser than most of today’s crop of physicists, biologists and other such scientists, of significant modern note… http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Brentano Tim, I could list hundreds of these older significant master-minds of history, that are actually more important to modern science, physics and biology, etc., than are many of those getting and taking credit for what’s being offered today. Just a few examples…

The missing component of the evolutionary process is perhaps witnessed by applying the coevolutionary aspects seen with natural selection to a coevolutionary aspect of the mutation of species but not in the sense of other life forms and ecosystem aspects, but rather the direct relationship of the interface at which structured bio frequencies meet unstructured field frequencies. I'm hypothesizing that the very relationship of bio life forms submersed within the geo EM fields is the engine by which evolution is powered.

I noticed you didn’t mention the bio-life forms’ em-fields, which we know do exist inside the geo-fields__Is there some reason for that, Tim…?(every proton, electron, neutron and positron has its own field__no…?) We do take mri and other x-ray type pictures of these fields lighting up in the labs, now, no…? We scientifically know they are there__we just can’t yet fully separate enough noise for complete definition of which em-fields and frequencies are actually doing what__exactly__and that’s why epistemology’s conceptual inference symbol logic mechanics and semeiotics sign/symbol/icon logic is used to more clearly define what is truly happening… It takes all the sciences, to understand these processes, thoroughly__and I don’t see any other scientific method possible, Tim… Academics gets a lot of the science wrong, I admit, but there is a ‘core accuracy’ to the best-minded academics of the entire world__freely open to public investigation, in about all the world’s free nations…

Think recursively here for a minute Lloyd and consider all the many conversations we've had on the opposing forces of unstructured vs structured as pertains to synthesis, nova's, etc and especially black holes as we long ago discussed the spatial preservation of the motion spectrum as you observe from the less dense field states of the vacuum towards the center of the black hole.

I have to pick you up on what you state here about black-holes__Tim…? It seems you are thinking black-holes are empty of mass, and exist as em-field holes…? Is that what you are meaning…? Black-holes are neutron stars to me, with extremely high mass centers, and nothing but extremely powerful fields, out to the event horizons. They are far from empty to me, although the largest area ‘may be’ only the extremely powerful fields… You’d have to give me your understanding of black-holes, here Tim__because it seems far different than my knowledge of em… Now, micro-black-holes are another story__and they’re just too small and short lived for us to yet have any knowledge of(other than theory), but it is the main event the Hadron Collider is looking for, to complete the Higgs-Field Theory into possibly real mass producing matter from real em-fields… This area of black-hole theory’s confirmation is all future tense__yet though…

Within these geo interactions we find structure being shaped by field, which further effects the field, which further effects the structure, etc, often to the point of instability as with stellar nova's and such.

And also the instabilities of too many quantum fields present at one Planck point, as per your PSF graphics__This is very important as to brain capacity processes, at all bottlenecks of the brain’s bio-agents, and their associated necessary field mechanics, of the greater inference mechanics machine, as I relate it to all brain states, as a whole… It’s all one big machine Tim__but, it’s not only the geo-fields, that run into Planck scale bottlenecks, as per black-holes__the brain has plenty of its own bottlenecks, due to it being such a complex self-switching machine… If ya don’t think so, just try to process the money and market mechanics of every single one of Earth’s nations, inside the borders of a single nation, like all inside America at once. It took me just about a year’s practice with the many concepts, to fit em all into one concept mechanics__yet maintaining all foreign-exchange and independent currency mechanics functioning properly. I did it to just see if I could make global macro economics more easily self-understood__It Worked, and Works still… Just one of the toy models I perform, with me lil’ ol’ pea brain…

I simply see the various forms of life similar to the spatial preservation aspects of black holes, as I hypothesis that life takes the various forms it does by way of it's interactions within the medium which surrounds it.

That’s just far too over-simplified Tim, to accurately represent the far deeper complexity of bio-brains and bodies, having far more geo-made bio-agents and so many fields to deal with__while processing all agents at once__whereas a black-hole is just simple geo-atomic-field-mechanics. You can’t fully apply geo-atomic-field-mechanics to atomic-bio-field mechanics, having trillions of times the complexity, to a simple black-hole mechanics__It just ain’t logically possible__no more than it is to get all the money mechanics correct of the intergrated model I described, if one is not taught or self-taught the entire complex foreign-exchange contract and complete currency market history and its associated legal mechanics__then add in all the people’s psychology, for the juice. Tim, just one of the books on these complex markets took me over a year’s full time thinkings, to fully understand, and many market gurus still do not understand this same foreign-exchange markets’ full complexity__It’s the forward-exchange market I’m referring to… So, as to black-holes and minds__such mechanics is trillions of light years of logic apart… There’s just no possible way to understand mind mechanics, with black-hole mechanics__sorry… It just ain’t a gonna happen… There’s no thinker in black-holes__there’s an independent chooser and thinker in a bio-brain’s many em-bio-agents__fully produced by geo-fields and structures far more limited complexities__as compared to bio-field’s massive complexities… There’s a large gap in the knowledge differences necessities__between simple reflection/deflection actions__and ‘thinking’ about such simple reflections’/deflections’ inter-actions…

As the life forms increase in complexity, the surrounding spatial environment of the EM field is also further altered which through time alters aspects of the life form, etc. Only recently have we really began to alter the EM field at a larger scale as with the flood of structured radio waves, artificial lighting, etc, but the mere presence of the structured frequencies of living beings certainly effected the state of the medium as does the gravitational gathering of elements which build stars, planets, etc. Until we take into account the coevolving aspects of the relationship of bio and geo nature, then evolution will perhaps remain incomplete. This idea does little to explain the organizational aspects of inanimate to animate per the comlexity of the human body and such, but I hypothesize that many secrets of DNA and such are involved within these very aspects. In this sense, the evolution of the brain perhaps effected it's sensativity to the frequencies and such which currently engulf our thoughts or are our thoughts. Intelligence may have it's roots in the frequencies and complexities of the EM field which the intelligent mind can access. I'm still working on my thoughts in this area.

Tim, co-evolution is a given to me, and academics has covered this field for years__though I, sad to say, admit it’s quite dispersed throughout the many academic schools of thought__but, over the last few decades many scholars have recognized the need for intergration of the many scientific disciplines, and inter-disciplinary studies has now become some of the most important studies taking place, all around the globe__That’s one of the things our group accomplishes, and was the main goal I told David over 5 years ago, that I was about... We have PhD’s from many fields, mixed with other fields and common sense people, as well. This gives that inter-disciplinary advantage that was practiced millennia ago by the Greeks and a 1000 years later by the Persians, at “The House of Wisdom…” Ya know Tim, the most important thing to realize about knowledge acquisition, is to know what is already known, and what is not yet known__and that takes years of serious study, and the way you realize you’ve reached that pinnicle of research’s knowledge level, is everything new you read, see and hear becomes an almost complete repeat of what you’ve already read, seen and heard. Just as an example__that took me about 12 to 15 years of dedicated time, of steady research, note taking and writing on economics, alone… Then I returned to physics for mathematical foundations, and philosophy for logical foundations, so’s I could possibly make just a wee bit o’ sense to others…

I’m not trying to discourage you, Tim__but only trying to inform you of the effort it truly takes, to truly know what it takes, to truly know just a few subject areas of the world’s massive knowledge systems__well enough to be proficient at even any one field of study… Imo, there ain’t no short-cuts__like I used to think there were…

It’s a long slog__Ol’ Buddy… But, keep up the good work, as you’ve a mind that deserves the very best information possible… Just a hint from me__The thorough inference mechanics of the mind, is the most critical of skills in existence… Keep that childhood skill from un-learning itself, and you’ve already learned and held onto more importance of thought mechanics, than most on Earth will ever have the chance of knowing…

Best to ya,

"Logic Is The Symbol Relational Mechanics of Real Percepts’ and Concepts’ Inference Mechanics…"

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