Hi Lloyd,
I think I posted a couple of these links back at the ole TQ thread a while back when I first started speaking in terms of digital processing. As is often the case with me, I found that others had previously caught on to many of the concepts which were new to my mind. The main thing to keep in mind about my ideas vs. those which you may come across with these types of digital mechanics is to always cross reference what you're reading about them with a governing materialist viewpoint, which I have. I’ve read at some sights where they try to take such mechanics to exotic extremes as they now do with QM, as with multiple realities and such, and I don’t promote such. The bits they are speaking of must also remain as the motion of the FS in a materialistic fashion as otherwise we would be at a strictly informational paradigm which I don’t support. I mainly support the integer concepts spoken of in the articles thus also the lack of the infinities brought about by continuity with a possible algebraic representation of the underlying dynamics of the universe. Though infinities may lie beyond the universal system as with an eternal and infinite field extension, I see none within.
The main difference that you perhaps won’t find about the concepts that I toy with and those within such articles is my inference of the lack of continuity in the existence and propagation of all structured matter/systems. If we imagine a structured system such as an electron moving throughout its orbital region it is easy to get lost in the apparent continuity of this process, whereby losing the mechanics by which electromagnetic forces might find their true representation. The same can be said for the protons within the nucleus as they move about a different axis of motion with greater mass thus proportionately less linear velocity than that of the electron per the c conservation mechanics of linear velocity to mass I’ve discussed before. The standard model would have us believe that photons are transmitting the EM force between the two structured systems as we imagine them both continuously moving along bouncing photons back and forth like a ping pong ball or something similar.
My approach is to replace the continuity of structure with a propagation mechanics of constant restructuring by way of the more fundamental resolution of the FS at the PSF level. If the preservation of structure isn’t continuous in nature and is found to be a discrete process, then such a process interacting through time would display a centralized region of structure with a surrounding region of FS flowing into structuralization along with a region flowing back out of such. These unstructured regions must be complimentary to the structuring of the system they are seemingly continuously maintaining. Thus, for two systems to remain within certain distances, they must have characteristic motions of spin and such which compliment each other ie attraction due to their unstructured field representations having current flows of FS which would otherwise eject them from being within such distances ie repulsion. When two or more systems are acting within a proper distance to be viewed as being under the influence of such a force, the combination of their motions within the unstructured region of FS would thus effect such current flow whereby allowing for composite states as bosons or fermions. I take such mechanics to the PSF resolution within my thoughts, but if we have trouble relating in this area, you can get a similar mechanics by merely imagining a continuous FS resolution as being the fundamental frame of reference, but rather than letting it flow along whereby allowing for structural continuity, take the absolute observer position whereby it is a more motionless frame of reference thus accomplishing propagating structured systems by a continuous flow of substance within and without whereby regions of the FS surrounding the structure will soon flow into the structured system while other regions are flowing out from such. It’s a similar visualization but I prefer to take it to the discrete representation as with a hypothetical PSF per many of the concepts and mechanics you might find discussed within such digital processing articles.
We speak of decay mechanics, initial nuclear synthesis, and such, and search for concepts which encompass them whereby we might become familiar with such natural processes. However, if I were to be correct, we must then realize that all structured systems are not in continuous form, but are within continuous decay and structuralization simultaneously as the preservation of structure is a dynamic synthesis which always maintains the presence of both dynamics rather than such dynamics only being present at a distant time in the past and later one in the future. I feel that there is the possibility that the study of such structured systems along with the field states of energy they are associated with is a big step in understanding nuclear synthesis and radiation aspects.
This was my point about the importance of thought structuring. When considering such dynamics, I could have stopped my investigations at the decay resolution and tried to construct my thoughts concerning such mechanics. However, being as I followed my logic all the way to the initial aspect of discrete vs. continuous at the most fundamental resolution, the mechanics and nature of such dynamics associated with these two opposing processes set up a governing logic within my thought structuring whereby once I found myself having withdrawn back up to the resolution which contained decay and synthesis mechanics, I had a full working logical process to explore with, rather than trying to gather information with no preestablished governing mechanical aspect. Once one passes up the current position at which the Standard Model is stalled at and includes a materialist perspective of a fundamental substance, then they can back up and make the connections allowed due to such because of the associated dynamics brought about by the concept of a continuous FS. This resolves many of the problems with the Standard Model, but still stalls at a much deeper resolution, IMHO. Yesterday, I saw a science program which vibrated droplets of silicon in a liquid solution whereby creating a wave pattern within the solution which resembled a pilot wave guiding the droplet, and then they performed the double slit experiment and marveled at just how well it described Quantum Mechanical effects by merely accounting for the continuous wave and particle state of matter which was very similar to the animation I made a while back. It’s evident when you see such examples just how far a governing dynamic injects the proper mechanical aspects associated with it to allow for the connections whereby the unfamiliar becomes just a little more familiar, as the entire discussion before there little experiment was on how QM viewed nature at such scales as having no resolved existence as if it were just a substructure waiting to produce an outcome dependent upon our decision to observe or not to observe, at which point they realized that it merely takes a new paradigm to encompass Quantum Mechanical aspects while also preserving those of Relative Mechanics along with Classical Mechanics. Some processes in nature have intrinsic dynamics associated with their very existence which when applied to physical aspects of our universe have the potential to bring about an entire paradigm shift to the point to explain many previously unexplained phenomena, along with allowing a more familiar and intimate understanding of nature itself at those resolutions which require much effort to interact with and are mostly alien to us.
I may not be able to explain exactly what a photon is, but by allowing the governing parameters discussed before to guide my investigations and thought process, I can mentally visualize how a structured atomic system and its unstructured field state are interacting by way of the discontinuous mechanics discussed earlier, whereby having characteristic aspects of frequency and such within the interplay that allows for the apparent continuity of structure, whereby a passing external frequency field state which encounters such an atomic system would disrupt the actual dynamics of such a relationship to the point that the electron might find itself reproduced within a differing energy level orbital which was now complimentary to its very existence thus further structural continuity. This would imply that such dynamics as radioactive decay due to the instability of the governing relationship of the atomic structure simply discontinued the preservation of a previously maintained structural or unstructured element (dependent upon the type of radiation eg. Alpha, Beta, Gamma, etc.) within the overall structured system, whereby ejecting either more constituent structural aspects from within the composite system or causing high energy frequency aspects to radiate outward within the unstructured medium itself which had the ability to ionize other surrounding atomic structured systems by disrupting the resonate frequency and balance within, thus effecting the continuity of its internal structuring. I don’t see it all clearly, but I’ve yet to find such concepts anywhere in my external studies which explain it in this exact manner. I just feel that there is perhaps the chance that radiation decay and nuclear synthesis are actually aspects of structural continuity being ever present in our world every where we find structured systems rather than merely happening at certain times, thus allowing the further study of the possible past and future state of a system by merely studying its present mechanical method of continuity. When these processes are a controlled dynamic through time as with a balance of incoming to outgoing substance we find structured systems propagating within their appropriate unstructured field states as with the wave/particle nature which goes far to bring QM from out of the mythical state which many current interpretations have led it. However, when such a balanced synthesis becomes disrupted whereby the process becomes uncontrolled, the system seeks balance which can be seen at the atomic scale with such things as a change in the relationship of the electron to the nucleus or some form of external radiation or decay to a more stable state. I just feel that such concepts are a plausible approach to explain the Standard Model in terms of the unification of its many varying concepts of particle physics and the interactions thereof as being capable of being found within an all encompassing universal mechanics of the process of structuralization to destructuralization and vice versa or rather merely a synthesis aspect of how material information is processed within the universe. The very concept that structured systems have to be constantly refreshed to be maintained whereby they are not found to be a continuous aspect of nature means that a supporting mechanics must be established to do so, which sets up a logical division of thought or departure from the before supported notion that structural continuity is a given with all of the particle and energy concepts of the Standard Model. It places the mind into a state of logic whereby while establishing the needed mechanics to describe such a dynamic, many of the Standard Model aspects seemingly fall into place as being a consequence of such a fluid process of nature rather than merely a bunch of entities which one must otherwise struggle to find their relationship with each other and that of nature.
I’m not as much trying to sell these concepts to anyone with this discussion as I am trying to maintain the theme of how certain concepts in nature and the mechanical substructure or processes we associate with them have the power to influence how we approach solving problems and making associations in our search for absolute truth within nature itself. Modern science is to the point of investigation that most of the needed concepts and information are there merely needing connection to each other. Thus, it may not be that we lack the imagination or intelligence to solve such universal mysteries, but rather that we have yet to encounter the proper conceptual aspects which would integrate all of the seemingly disconnected concepts of nature that we’ve found into one unifying universal process of existence. When you bring your mind to being poised for such realizations with all of the information needed having been gathered and lying in wait for understanding, then you may be only one thought or concept away from all such concepts firing within the brain as one network or synthesis which brings about the understanding we seek. Intelligence is the connections we’ve made within our own brains which allows groups of neurons and such which represent ideas and concepts to fire in a network or pattern which we interpret as understanding. Many of these such connected networks or areas which pertain to the aspects of the physics of our world are isolated from each other whereby functioning as competing aspects of our intelligence having their own characteristics of truth but otherwise lacking the unity which would allow them to fire as a single unified network. I see this as aspects of the abduction pool whereby various networks compete for relevance in any further hypothesizing. Therein lies the potential for such a mental network which represents a system or function which we’ve learned e.g. digital signal processing vs. analog, etc, to find precedence over various other networks whereby the application of such as a governing dynamic might find the integration of all of the various other networks which harbor aspects of science to find themselves within a single network or continuous sequence of firing neurons whereby all subsystems are supportive of all others within the network rather than competing for relevance. True understanding in such a scenario is the supporting role of all of the various aspects of knowledge acting as a single self supportive system of thought rather than various areas competing for relevance whereby contradictions might be found. There is the possibility that true absolute understanding would bring about an internal physical state of the mind which was analogous to the functioning of the external world i.e. a type of unified network of thought which was a mental analog to the external universal processes we seek to understand. This would potentially allow for huge advances in technology due to no area of the network being isolated whereby the mind had the ability to explore within many or all aspects of the mechanics of our universe thus allowing for the assembly of external structured systems which exploited such dynamics to achieve those things which we currently cannot technologically achieve.
Until we correctly structure the system as an entire paradigm, its hard to identify where the many aspects of our world lie such as the geo aspects of structured and unstructured states of substance and all of the mechanics involved along with the bio aspects of emergence, evolution, thought, logic, etc. What paradigm must we use to integrate so many seemingly unrelated concepts into one network of understanding whereby we might see the various processes and functions of so many aspects of our universe as intrinsic consequences of a unified natural process? As to logic itself, and just out of curiosity, which of the processes of inference is being used to establish such governing processes as the mechanics which oversee the acquisition of knowledge within the mind? Is inference mechanics subject to the same aspects it attempts to define as it attempts to bridge a gap in our knowledge of reasoning the same as its concepts further attempt to explain how we bridge gaps in other various areas of nature in our process of reasoning and knowledge acquisition? Would we consider the concept of inference mechanics as arising from induction, deduction or abduction within what we know about the process of thought and reasoning itself? Is this even a legitimate question? Lmao…..the geo universe is easy to understand compared to the interface where it meets the bio interactions it spawns……lol. We ultimately become our own road block to absolute understanding and truth.
I'll check out the other links you posted further on in a bit.....
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