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Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Beliefs-Facts Distinctions Within Decision Mechanics...

In case you're wondering where I am Tim__I'm just taking the time to turn all this complexity into simplicity... The way I see it, from the aggregation of all my studies, is; "Complexity is carrying away more facts into error, than simplicity can process into truth..." This; the 'Too good to be good factor', that's ruling all of present-day academics__and by this I simply mean the world has developed its intelligence to the limit-edge of sufficient and efficient complexity use__and now needs to return to its base simplicities of seeing the world far more fundamentally, since this over-complexity only breeds more extreme over-complexity, conflation and confusion__producing so many computational and logical errors, all the dump-trucks on Earth couldn't carry them away__or screen out the sands of truth from the useless boulders of lies. Academics has reached the 'Aporia Apex of Knowledge-Limits'__and must recognize this fact; that only knowledge turned against this wall of complexity blindness can now solve the problems of where the Earth is headed__intellectually, socially, experientially and physically. I simply mean, we must look at the mind, experience, logic and math simply from our base feelings and fundamental modal decision levels, while realizing just how simple this 'gray ball of mush' on our shoulders really and truly is(as to clear thinking, anyway)__and see these simple base feelings, as no more than a 'simple thinker' sitting attop these 'uncertainty feelings', and having massive 'memory storage' for both base feelings and the thinker's more sophistocated 'intellectual processing facts'__and no more complexity than that, is generally required__then just maybe, we can rediscover our base fundamental modal 1st state decision logics__possibility_impossibility_necessity... There's only two choices in these areas__'beliefs'_or__'facts', and to know that the 'beliefs never become facts', and the 'facts never were or become beliefs'__This is the fundamental distinction between beliefs and facts, which eternally applies to all minds on Earth__no matter what anyone thinks. No-one can derive a fact from a belief, and no-one can derive a belief from a fact. Facts remain facts, and beliefs remain beliefs__all our lives__and to think otherwise, is to confuse and conflate the fundamental mechanics of nature__These are 'truth-maker necessities...' We just learn to shift states back and forth, as the social conditions may warrant, if we wish to get along...

So really, all I'm doing is fully processing 'The Beliefs-Facts Distinctions', as they apply to our reasonings and logics__into much simpler word formations__so's I can better explain what we've thus far discovered__since further complexity only takes us over the edge, into unnecessary confusion and conflation__The state of; 'Too good to be good factor...' The world already has enough of this state, it's facing right now__So, I'm just gonna take my time and let all the ideas settle, and see what comes out... Some visions are already becoming clearer logic...


A little help here:
Something I recently realized is the fact that an opposing dialectical logic, or opposing positive and negative dialectics or analogies, can be used to breach and bridge the 'Aporia(the stumped state of mind) Apex of Complexity'__or simply put, running positive and negative analogies against one another, as I think you already often do__as this is a method I've also used all my life__'Exaggerations against exaggerations', to find the greater mean truths of systems... Of course, in the end, all the exaggerations' logics, dialectics(logical arguments) and analogies, etc., must be corrected into final truths__But, it's a simple method of getting around the complexities__in general, anyway...

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