In this animation, an absolute distance has been observed within the lower velocity reference frame per the distance traveled by light within a relative time=1 e.g. lightyear. Thus, within the higher velocity reference frame traveling near .99216c the relative time from the lower velocity frame which established the absolute position of light is converted to a relative distance=1. This in turn establishes the relative time=1/8 within the higher velocity frame whereby it experiences 1/8 the time of the lower velocity frame to reach the absolute plotted position of the light from within the lower velocity frame of reference. If the higher velocity frame traveled to relative time=1, then it would have traveled eight times past the absolute position of the plotted light. Thus, the absolute light reference within the lower velocity frame only travels relative distance=1/8 of the higher velocity frame within its relative time=1, whereby light would have to be observed to travel for eight times the temporal interval to reach the absolute position of the higher velocity frame traveling relative time=1.
My interpretation of all of this is that if we observe an absolute distance established by a single light source from two opposing frames, then when observed from within a low velocity frame, the higher velocity frame has only observed it as propagating for 1/8 the temporal interval to reach an absolute position. If observed for a duration from the higher velocity frame, the lower velocity frame has observed it for eight times as long whereby establishing absolute distance and absolute time between the two opposing frames by way of the propagating light. Thus, if we wanted to know the elapsed time of a high velocity frame, we could establish an absolute temporal and spatial interval by way of the light beam, whereby during that interval we would know that the higher velocity frame had saw light to travel that distance showing only 1/8 the time, thus we know that in eight times that duration, the high velocity frame will show the same time as having elapsed whereby the light has now actually propagated eight times the absolute distance from the earlier moment we recoded its position. This gets a bit confusing, but the simplest way to imagine it is perhaps acknowledging that if we had a perfect clock which wasn't prone to dilation due to velocity fluctuations or had an internal apparatus which corrected for variances in velocity, then time becomes absolute as does distance due to us being able to establish absolute position relational to each other by way of mere velocity or absolute distance/absolute time. This also means that c is merely a speed limit for light, whereby various frames travel at various ratios of c, thus relativistic effects arise by way of our measurement of c within various frames despite the motion of the frame, but the speed of light isn't invariant within various reference frames, only the measurement thereof is due to the time dilation, length contraction and relative motion aspects which have been illustrated. An absolute time and distance measure would make the value of c within various frames to become variant, as a propagating photon is barely out running a frame traveling at .99c, yet the measurement is taking place over a longer absolute temporal and distance interval, whereby the photon appears to be covering the same distance within the same time though it is barely leading the frame.
Hi Tim... Yeah, I agree with all this__but, what can it add to our knowledge base, about the greater Universal actions...? This is exactly what I meant about combining the QM and RM informations into a unified understanding__as this is exactly what my virtual cyclotron model showed, back in the early `80's__but, I've been asking myself ever since__What exactly does this tell me...? I know it tells me that if I'm virtually traveling at absolute true c__I can't see anything, because light can neither leave me or enter me__if it's traveling with my direction of travel__but, and I just now realized this__if it's traveling any other direction, at an angle of or directly toward me__What would I then see...? And, this is where the mechanics breaks down, and only becomes mere theory__me brain can't seem to process__as then it's the group c velocities of angular 1% to 100% 2c__and me brain breaks down at c__Unless maybe, I step completely outside the reference frames of both directions of light travel__completely into my absolute virtual observer position__But, then what do I see__Quantum phase state space-field changes__within the deepest quantum-well possible...?
ReplyDeleteThis is what I've been toying with for almost 30 years now__and really haven't gone any further with it than back then__except for a wee bit more clarity in certain areas__but, it all seems to come through decay mechanics... Let me know what you have to add here, to the massive book of knowledge already assembled, by all the greats throughout history... I know there's more to this, but it's hard to plow on__when most every road is blocked by either paganism of beliefs, or the modern paganism of even science__in far too many fields...
To me, Ellman and Mathis are the furthest along this path, though there's much fault with both their ideas__at least both offer a possible mechanics insight into the group 2c functionings. Also, all those links I offered to the Learner site, with videos, offers much by way of the fermion and boson mechanics, within the quantum well theories and experiments...
Tim, simply put__What do you think we can do with this information...? I see philosophical interpretation use advancement possibilities__but as to physical science__Idk...?