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Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Electron and The Laughing Wheel...

“If we can use a linear system of light waves as an absolute ruler with wavelengths as discrete intervals along a distance whereby establishing the relational absolute motions of the angular confined systems (matter) thus uniting RM and QM, then we must also consider the manifestation of the light wave by way of these systems as with an electron emitting photons, radioactive decay, etc.” Tim

I hope you aren’t meaning here as first source of photons existing, as coming from electrons__as then__Where do the electrons come from…? I do agree part of radioactive decay is from electrons emitting photons, but it’s also from the proton emissions, and even possibly from its deeper innards__yet the first source of all Universal mechanics is the FS-Field of photons possibly later producing electrons__as to as far as I know, the FS-field is pure em-photons… I'm reading Hermann Helmholtz’s scientific work right now, on this very subject. It’s located at: http://www.archive.org/download/popularlectureso00helmrich/popularlectureso00helmrich.pdf As you may know, he worked in optics and light, and is also the physicist to have coined the wording for the ‘1st Law of Conservation…’ I’ve read some of his material before, but it’s now offered in detail, in his own hand… He was Germany’s premiere physicist-mathematician-chemist at the end of the 19th century… I also have Huygens’ paper on light, and it’s available at: http://books.google.com/books?id=Xq5EjjlgV6gC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Huygen's,+Treatise+on+Light&cd=1#v=onepage&q&f=false I more prefer these older and more sound ideas about light, and Einstein relied heavily on both__they be accurate, imo...

“In a sense, the angular localized FS establishes by way of timing the non local linear expression (EM radiation) whereby it will later define distance against, which further defines the timing within the localized system, etc, etc. I can't exactly put my finger on it, but its the depths at which the human knowledge system can go IMHO, as not only understanding the mechanics of the system, but also understanding how the mechanics are crucial to the conservation of existence, and how the various aspects of the mechanics are played against each other where the system gives definition to itself. It's the simple old thought that you can't have a state without the opposing state defining it. In this case, it takes the many states of motion and their ability to produce the other states to create the encompassing self defining system, or at least that's where my mind is leading me.” Tim

Yes, I agree with this__but, the interpretations and meanings may still be different between us, I don’t really know yet__as you quite often start in the middle and work toward ends, whereas I start at the ends, and work toward the middle. By this I simply mean the Universe pre-existed our thinking about the Universe, and that mechanics is what our interpretations and meanings evolved within. Philosophically, we are ‘the ontology’, learning our ‘epistemology’, ‘teleology’, ‘mereology’ and ‘greater ontology’__all the while trying to interpret the meanings of our ‘cosmological ontology’, and possibly even its very ‘physiological meta-states’ of such meanings__by words and systems, that pertain to themselves__thus causing the confusions and conflations of these interpretations and meanings__if you can follow that load of horse-shit… Anyway, when ‘self’ tries to interpret ‘self’, it gets very complex__unless we allow the ‘self qua self’ to be a virtual absolute separate entity, expressing ‘itself’__that combinatorially produced our ‘ontology, etc.’, before we had any part of it… A bit tricky__Yes… (qua above simply meaning 'about')

“As to the not so deep applications, I think it would be beneficial to produce a unified objective Classic Mechanical treatment to all of the subjective and often misinterpreted aspects of QM and RM. This is why I am trying to relate the states of motion of both disciplines to mere gear analogies with work conservation and such as with the mechanical advantage aspects. Classical mechanics is a more natural system to our thought process, and I feel it does have the advantage over the others, if we merely find the applications which encompass them all within one methodology.” Tim

And this I couldn’t agree more about. Years ago when HBD was speaking to David and I, I suggested a spin experiment of my own, I’d experienced back in high school__when HBD was having trouble with analogies of relaying what he was trying to explain about the central electron mechanics__where I suggested seeing two same(or opposite, according to approach angle) spin electrons as a soap box derby wheel on an axle, and a side-grinder used to spin the wheel to break in the bearings. Well, I had an old set of wheels lying around, so one day I decided a new stunt__I’d get the wheel spinning as fast as possible from touching center of grinding wheel to surface of hand-wrag spun wheel, then slowly move grinder to tire contact to outer edge of grinding wheel__well this was pretty fast, but of course crazy me not satisfied__I started the grinding wheel down the side of the steel wheel, slowly toward its center__you can just imagine the virtual gear-ratio friction contact going on at 5,000 rpm, 8 inch grinding wheel, 12 inch derby wheel__and at a 2 inch circumference action near the wheels center__still not satisfied__I decided to push the massively over-spun wheel off the axle… Did I mention, I was in the cellar of my house…? You oughta see the number of double 2 by 10 floor beams it demolished, while making its 20 or so trips across the floor, up the concrete wall, across the ceiling joists/beams, down the other concrete wall, floor, wall, ceiling, etc., over and over__with me running for my life… Needless to say, dad weren’t too happy, I just destroyed half last months work__but, the analogy worked for HBD, and David followed it up with the same gear analogy, you’ve been drawing up, but referred to spinning electrons… It also played into my model analogies of electrons and uncertainty by way of c and true c analogies I’ve often used__so these classical analogies and models certainly do have great merit__to create the clarity, we need…

I’ll let you know if there’s anything worthwhile in Helmholtz’s newest released interpretations of his German to English work. I already know he was one of physics' true geniuses__from reading him years ago, and my physicist friend in Maine recommends him highly, and he was and really still is, even in retirement__one of America’s top corporate physicists__He’s also a major fan of Peirce, as America’s best scientist, intellect and logician-mathematician…

Hope you enjoyed laughing your ars off about my grinder-wheel story… I did the same experiment again outdoor across a hay-field of three feet tall hay__the damned wheel went about a half-mile, before hitting a tree and bouncing to a stop__and did it ever go some fast… That wheel musta been turning better an 10 grand__I could look right under the hard rubber tread, and see plenty of daylight, before push-releasing it off the axle…

Boy, that cellar one was an eye-popper__what I could see, with my ars, running away from it...

Tim, I just noticed something interesting about my model, by interpreting your model__the distance and time is shrinking at 2c__between two directly approaching beams/waves of light... Wonder what this shows for absolute time and space...? Wonder what it portends for the mechanics' hydrodynamic energy values...? You see to me, this is the very engine of motion__as the same mechanics is absolutely Universal__2c --> c, in all directions... I gotta sleep on this one, to see where it goes...

Btw, that Helmholtz link is some excellent grounded mechanics of laws, geometries, logics and experiments__He's even more brilliant than I'd earlier realized...

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