Let me clarify this quote that you seem to be stuck on.
"The more we learn about it, the more we simply and inevitably learn about ourselves. We don't have to be able to see within if we simply identify with that which is taking place externally. Thus, we have effectively defeated the barrier of layers or so I would think."
The point of much of that post is that yes, we draw our intelligence internally from within our mental process in terms of thought structuring, logic, and such whereby our link to nature will always be filtered by our intellect as that's the only means of us experiencing nature. However, this only seems to work on external aspects as when we are very young it is more obvious that we learn much more from impersonating our external souroundings as we begin to walk and talk than we learn from any internal aspects because we haven't yet built the layers of information required to sort back towards how it is that we are doing such things at all.
Tim, don't you notice in this paragraph, that you first say "...we draw our intelligence internally from within our mental process in terms of thought structuring, logic, and such..."__then in the same paragraph, you say; "...this only seems to work on external aspects..."__yet, you don't seem to notice your own self-contradictions. Tim, one's logic can't be consistent if first it's internal, then next it's external, about the same person's intelligence mechanics__logic, which you mentioned, don't allow it... We couldn't have any logic, logical validity or truth, if it did__this is just basic logic... Tim, I think your mistake is not realizing we have a lifetime stored memory of concepts, of many subject areas, that we tap by internal means of intellect, perception, cognition or whatever you may wish to call it, which in turn accesses these internal memory pictures__to create new logic and ideas, from old logic and ideas__as old concepts have plenty of old logic and ideas in them. I know I've had such self-created somewhat holographic memory concepts, ever since I was a child. I can't see how any child could have evolved without such memory concepts, of what burns one's fingers, how much height can this body withstand upon a fall, how big an animal does it take to eat me, on and on__Which are our naturally self-created__by our internal mental processes__yes, originally from our outside world, way back when__but the fact remains__we memory store these self-survival concepts, all our lives. We self-created em Tim, for our own benefit, just as we learned the concepts of the foods we like, and the temperature we like to keep our bodies, or the sexual process concepts we devise to attract a lady__External forces or such don't do this personal creating of concepts__We do...!!! Now, if you can't see that internal mechanics, packed on top of our external visions, experiences and feelings__I pitty you__but, the way you speak so easily honest, I know you see these same paths. Only certain stupid books and people try and convince us we see otherwise__Na Da...!!!
Tim, simply "impersonating our external souroundings" isn't all there is to it__There's a personal feeling, seeing, hearing, smelling tasting and touching brain of high intelligence__behind that simple external mechanics... Yes, we do impersonate our surroundings, but that's only one lil' bit o' it... The greater part is us learning how to use our internal mechanics of natural logic, natural math, natural fears and confidences, and all such related mechanics of the five innate senses... That is no simple mechanics we learn, Tim__and it's our quantum manipulation of such concepts, that takes up over 90% of our waking hours of thought__so, I think you really oughta' start taking a look at what's the more important aspects of living personally in tune with the largest number of people__as that's what you are gonna' carry with you, into the grave__not your external visions, of a world that's scientifically known to be unseeable__as to its whole, at any given moment, or even over an entire lifetime__but, we can know ourselves, and function much more fully, by understanding that mechanics__of innate intellectual mechanics... Now, maybe you don't think you want to__but, let me tell ya__I've learned far more about quantum mechanics, after learning this innate mechanics, than all the hundreds of volumes of physics texts, I've devoured... Just letting you know__We quantum mechanically process innate-functioning concepts__or we have zero intelligence, and that's either of the external world, internal objective world, or the internal subjective world__or all three at once, if you're a mind to...
Cheer up__It gets worse... :-)
Nature eventually provides the road back to ourselves.
We can also purposely dig our way back to ouselves, if we've a mind to... I did, but it was one hell of a battle...
The problem is that when we get to the point of turning our focus on ourselves, the methods which benifited us thus far become useless with going past the inner barrier of the underlying constituent functions which govern composite thought processes.
Whatever you are talking about here, Tim__I don't take that pessimistic a point of view about the path away from, or back to oneself. I find no inner barrier to the underlying constituent functions which govern my composite thought processes, except those sub-atomic ones I don't need to know, as I can more strongly manipulate the quantum level of concepts__I simply use the laws of concept mechanics, or put simply, I re-arrange the concepts, first by trial and error__and by doing so long enough__I learned to develop a very successful scientific method, for handling my innate concept mechanics' systems... I did this from the `70's on into the mid-`80's, and yes it was a lotta' work, but very rewarding. The method was simple mathematical and measurement exaggerations, which I later narrowed to the facts... I've used the same method ever since, but I'd discovered the secret was to use these extreme exaggerations, and many of em__then re-process em enough times that the picture of concepts eventually falls into place__then I re-check the mechanics with reverse or inverse maths__First group and conjunct, then de-group and disjunct... I learned to work from the end of my problems, back to the beginning, though__this is probably opposite from you. I had to though, as my wife's mind works backwards__and I mean that literally, as her and her sisters reversed their mind mechanics, early on, for self-survival in a bad end of town... Since I wanted to live in her world, I had to force my mind to understand a counterfactual world, of a very small minority group of female thinkers__been worth it though__she's logically brilliant...
Tim, there are no "underlying constituent functions which govern composite thought processes" we do not already have access to__iff we wish__It's all simple seeing within one's own mind, to its core mechanics of memory concepts, intellect, judgment, will, etc... There's nothing hidden, if you're willing to look deep enough... I read thousands of books and never truly learned any more than looking in, when I was five years old__I'm not one damn bit different, right now__no matter how much external information/knowledge I know... It's really all about knowing where to find it, when you need it, or want it... Most of it's automatically stored in memory anyway, naturally by nature's autonomous wave mechanics__but we can fully internally mechanically manipulate that__as we will, by our simple concept mechanics, and our natural inference mechanics__self-acting over the top of the natural mechanics...
It seems a system can produce no information about itself at those levels without referencing another system.
Tim, have you not yet understood, the bio-system has the only self-referencing system__the external Universe totally lacks...? This self-referencing system not only sees its many memory concepts, it also sees its own geometric shaping of concepts like triangles, squares and circles, etc., which it can zoom in and out on, just by thinking, or throw any number of concept images around, reshape em, or whatnot__which is no more than self-manipulating the innate mechanics of concepts... You know you do it, so why do you deny it...? All potential intelligence, or potential intelligence increase is innate, Tim__whether you wish to admit it or not__All the 'best' scientists have always admitted it... Internal measurement is just as important, and really more so, than external measurement__as science is 'measurement', in its simplest definition...
This is perhaps because information has no context unless within a relational aspect as with either a background dependence or independence.
No, information as knowledge of self-mechanics is known by all children, and I just happen to remember it very clearly, Tim... We see concepts, Tim... We manipulate concepts, Tim... The brain is grounded to its body, Tim... It's a bio-quantum-chemical-geological system__All in one, Tim... Your skull is welcoming you home, Tim...
Think of the mirror analogy, those various systems had to reference each other to establish any relevance of time or distance.
Woah Tim, mirror systems don't reference each other__we the observers are the only reference systems of your mirror analogy__The Geo-Universe just simply__'Is...!!!
Yes, both reference frames functioned just fine per internal length contraction mechanics but to establish a time aspect, they had to reference the photon clock, which in turn led them to realize that their distance aspect was relational and relative.
Ditto, as per above, Tim... 'We' be the only referencers... Ya can't treat the Universe(outside bio-brains) as though it's alive, and expect a scientific mind to accept such abuse of language and concepts...
The processes of the mind function just fine in terms of processing thoughts and we can look within to better understand how such is accomplished, but to truly pass the barrier whereby we might establish how such works at a more fundamental level, we simply need an external reference so that the extractable information there has a background or relational aspect whereby it finds it's place within the universal mechanics.
Not true, again Tim... There's always more than one way to skin a cat. You're most likely referring to the wave-particle interactions, which have no background 'known' to our minds, except our innate knowledge of logic and math, which probabilistically and statistically shows the FS-Field to be the case__the background independent field, imo, since we've nothing else to ground it to__It's really an incommensurable unknown, in many aspects, such at to; 'Is it finite or infinite...???' Other than that, the mind knows its own constitution, within a body it's internally and externally learned about since birth. When one grounds their mind, first in the body, life becomes much less complicated__It's simple necessary mechanics, as you can't get to that external Universe until you ground the quantum world__'first'__in the body__then, and only then, the body reaches out and touches the real World and Universe... Science has presently got it backwards, Tim... Turn it around, and all becomes clear... This is simply one of the historical time evolution problems__but, quite a major one, as it drastically affects/effects all global economics__just as well it does physics...
Speaking of the clock reference, notice how every oscillation device we have is actually functioning by tying in to another reference frames' wave mechanics whether working from mechanical stored energy, atomic interactions, astronomical observations or electrical, they are always our link to a steady oscillation coming from a higher velocity reference source.
You know Tim, I'd think you didn't actually read a thing I post, if I didn't know better. Do you really know just how many times I've mentioned just this same concept, in different words and concepts...??? You have to make up your mind, just how much you wish your ideas linked to the whole, or to the parts__then, and only then, you can procede properly, with science...
They simply modulate the frequency to our frames' reference of the slower moving hands of a clock. We simply need the interface of fields to establish meaning yet we lose sight of how we are linked to such.
The interface of the fields to establish meaning__we need not lose sight of__as to how we are linked to em__is by way of fully understanding inference and concept mechanics, related to memory, intellect, judgment, will, experiences, the '6' senses and the external world__That's all rationality and logic__'Within Mathematics' Memory Concepts...'
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