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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Mathematical Saboteurs...

(Tim, this is funny, and oh so true...)
David Hestenes


The discovery of Mathematical Viruses is announced here for the first
 time. Such viruses are a serious threat to the general mental health of the mathematical
community. Several viruses inimical to the unity of mathematics are identified, and their
deleterious characteristics are described. A strong dose of geometric algebra and calculus
is the best medicine for both prevention and cure.

Computer viruses have been prominent in the news lately. The increasingly widespread and
frequent communication among computers has facilitated the spread of computer viruses
to the point where viruses are seriously regarded as a threat to national security in the
United States.
The computer virus (CV) owes its name and perhaps its genesis to the biological virus
(BV). Like a BV, a CV cannot function by itself, but when attached to a host it replicates
repeatedly until it impairs the functioning of the host, sometimes to the point of disabling
the host altogether. Moreover, it is infectious, spreading from one host to another on
contact. The host of a CV is a computer program, to which the CV is attached as a
subroutine, replicating and spreading whenever the host program is run. Similarly, a BV
is a fragment of DNA containing instructions for self-replication which are activated when
the BV is in a living cell. Fortunately, antiviral agents can be developed to cure infected
computers as well as biological organisms.
My purpose here is to call your attention to another kind of virus | one which can
infect the mind | the mind of anyone doing mathematics, from young student to professional
mathematician. As I believe this is the first published paper to explicitly identify
such viruses, I take the liberty of naming and describing them as follows: A mathematical
virus (MV) is a preconception about the structure, function or method of mathematics
which impairs one's ability to do mathematics. Just as a CV is program which impairs the
operating system of a computer, an MV is an idea which impairs the conceptualization of
mathematics in the mind. Indeed, as one definition of \virus," Webster gives \something
that corrupts the mind or soul." Since the identification and classificalion of MVs has only
just begun, it would be premature to attempt a more precise definition. The better course
is to examine some specific viruses to form a firm empirical base for further study.
My first example is an easily recognized MV which is extremely virulent and as common
as the common cold. I call it the
coordinate virus, designating it by MV/C to denote genesis
and type, and characterizing it as follows:
MV/C: Coordinates are essential to calculations.
Physicists and engineers are especially susceptible to this virus, because most of their
textbooks are infected, and infected teachers pass it on to their students. Mathematicians
as a group are less susceptible, because many of them have been innoculated with a good
course in abstract algebra, though, as we shall see, some resistant strains have survived in
certain mathematical subspecialties.
The diagnosis and treatment of MV infections is still in its infancy, and it is especially
delicate when the infected host is not aware of his illness, as is usually the case. Diagnosis
of infection with the coordinate virus MV/C is comparatively easy, owing to the presence
of a well-defined syndrome of symptoms which I call
coordinitis: Typically, the infected
subject fails to distinguish the abstract vector concept from its matrix representation and
consequently has great difficulty conceiving and manipulating invariant functional relations
among vectors without expressing them in terms of coordinates; he is likely to regard the
real and complex numbers as more fundamental, or even \more real" than vectors. To
cite a specific example of such symptoms, one textbook by a distinguished physicist asserts
that \the vector calculus is like a folding ruler, before you can use it you have to unfold it"
(by which he meant, decompose vector formulas into components). In my own experience
of more than two decades teaching physics graduate students, I have observed that most
of them suffer from coordinitis and as many as 25% may be permanently crippled by the
Some may think that the coordinate virus is harmless or benign. After all, it is not
fatal. The afflicted can still limp along in their mathematical thinking. However, they are
condemned to a world of prosaic mathematical applications. They will never be able to
scale the Olympic heights to inhale the pristine air of abstract mathematics. Let there
be no mistake about the nature of the coordinate virus. There is nothing wrong with
using coordinates when they are appropriate. It is the insidious idea that coordinates
are somehow more fundamental or concrete than other mathematical objects that limit
conceptual capacity.
Though I would like to lay claim to the important discovery that mathematical viruses
exist, honesty compels me to admit that mathematicians must have known about them
all along. For as soon as a mathematician is introduced to the MV concept he begins
to notice viruses everywhere, and he is equally adept at naming them. Invariably, at
the mere utterance of the words \Bourbaki virus," a knowing smile breaks across the
mathematician's face, as if he is sure that we are both privy to some private indecency. I
will not attempt to describe the Bourbaki virus, for I doubt that the field of MV diagnostics
is sufficiently mature for the task. It is an important task, nonetheless, in view of evidence
that mathematics is still suffering from the ravages of a \Bourbaki epidemic."
While it may be suspected that many MVs are at large, in any attempts to detect and
neutralize them we must be alert to the dangers of misdiagnosis. One man's purported MV
may be another man's inspiration. Medical history is riddled with mistakes in diagnosis
and treatment. To avoid similar mistakes we must carefully establish suitable diagnostic
criteria; we cannot rely on mere hunches or opinions. The main burden of this paper is to
set down some specific criteria for the general mental health of mathematics and use these
criteria to identify several MVs by their deleterious effects.

The Way It Is, Tim...

David Orlin Hestenes, Ph.D. (born 1933) is a physicist. For more than 30 years, he was employed in the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Arizona State University (ASU), where he retired with the rank of Research Professor and is now emeritus.

Hestenes has worked in mathematical and theoretical physics, [1] geometric algebra, neural networks, and cognitive research in science education. He is the prime mover behind the contemporary resurgence of interest in geometric algebras and in other offshoots of Clifford algebras, as ways of formalizing theoretical physics.

From 1976 to 1979, he was an Editorial Advisory Board Member (formerly called Associate Editor) of the American Journal of Physics. He is currently on the editorial board of the journal Foundations of Physics.

In 2002, the American Association of Physics Teachers awarded him its Oersted Medal for his notable contributions to the teaching of physics. He has been a Principal Investigator for NSF grants seeking to model instruction at both the high school and university levels.


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